Surveillance DB: For SAP HANA Database Platform
Essential tools for real-time performance monitoring, issue identification and resolution, rules-based event management, data repository and reporting
Surveillance DB for SAP HANA provides best-in-class database monitoring and event management technology to support your in-memory data management environment.
Utilizing real-time monitoring, unattended event management, and historical data analysis tools, IT professionals have the ability to capture comprehensive views of overall health, and perform comprehensive drill-downs to identify and eliminate operational and performance bottlenecks.
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Key monitoring capabilities for SAP HANA database includes:
- Complete visibility across On Premises, Cloud, and Container Database KPIs and Metrics
Enable secure, global web access to database performance monitoring of HANA databases in any data center.
- Access Historical Metrics… even if the HANA Database is Offline
Did a problem occur at 15:00 yesterday? Or last week? Quickly access co-distributed, historical data using Flashback or Time Slicing to find out what was really happening.
- Generate Reports for Compliance
Satisfy critical security and privacy requirements with audit reporting – large or small – to track SQL, bad logins and much more.
- Health Window providing monitoring of CPU usage (User / System / Wait), volume I/O per second, physical memory usage, memory components (in column store, row store, metadata, etc.), and instance information (name, version, core count, startup time, etc.)
- Top Column Store Tables
- By Actual Memory Usage, Estimated Usage, Delta Usage, or Delta %.
- Status / progress on delta merges and full / partial loads.
- Memory breakdown (main, delta, history main, history delta).
- Currently Running
- Statements with full and easy-to-get SQL and SQL plans.
- Delta merges and loads on column store tables.
- Operations and transactions.
- Space Usage
- Memory (overall, column store tables, service memory).
- Each disk and volume, data vs. log, aggregated over all disks.
- Transactions (log size, redo, undo).
- Connections (network I/O, app tier, login, current SQL and SQL plan, etc.)
- Configuration (default, system, host, tenant)