premier indexing tool that unlocks powerful data retrieval
from your IMAGE database.
superior indexing technology, Bradmark brings all the capabilities
of a relational database to the HP 3000. SUPERDEX provides
a faster, cost-effective and compatible indexing enhancement
package that adds data retrieval speed and flexibility
to IMAGE, TurboIMAGE, TurboIMAGE/XL and IMAGE/SQL databases.
Additional benefits place SUPERDEX in a performance category
of its own.
IMAGE keys are no longer required
to ensure that reports and lookups occur quickly. Now any field
in any dataset can be a key. SUPERDEX allows the use of Boolean
operators (and, or, not) to eliminate serial reads, dramatically
reducing computing time. Interfaces for many common Fourth-Generation
Languages are available minimizing the time required to make
use of new keys.
With SUPERDEX, TPI indexes are registered into the DBE of the IMAGE/SQL attached
database, and provides a needed tool when trying to eliminate parallel scans
against your TurboIMAGE data.
Key Benefits
Faster response for users...
Serial reads are eliminated, while search options are expanded. Now, any
field in the dataset can be a key.
SQL SELECT performance...
SQL Optimizer has access to TPI indexes, speeding SQL SELECT performance.
Query can access TurboIMAGE data via INDEXES. Flexible index definitions...
Concatenated, byte offset, grouping, supergrouping and keywording provide
the right index for the situation.
Multiple retrieval methods...
Sorted sequential, generic and partial key, and SQL-like relational arguments
provide the right retrieval for the situation.
- Flexible date formats...
MANMAN and PowerHouse dates can be converted into an internal format, allowing
ASCII retrievals for dates.